Fonts by Haley Fiege


This site is pretty basic for now, but I'll add more to it as time goes on!

About Me

Some information about me (fairly vague, sorry! I was raised in the era of 'never tell anyone online anything about your real life', rather than what seems sometimes like today's world of 'post your full name, age, recent photograph and exact longitude and latitude in your social media bio'. Typing this out probably makes me sound like a old person grumbling about 'kids these days', but I think hopefully strikes a chord here on the small web?)

That's all pretty boring, here's some more random stuff to get to know me:

I've not done much HTML/CSS, so bear with me as I learn and don't be surprised if the style of this site changes wildly over the near future!

I'm also hoping to join soon (the reason I've created this Neocities account is because they ask for some links to a web presence when signing up, hopefully this site makes me look normal (or at least the right kind of weird, which is probably an easier target for me!)) If they approve my account I'll probably move my main 'personal' pages over to there and keep this site for more social/fan stuff.

This site (design and content) is super-basic right now, sorry! It's still a work in progress!

(progess is likely to be quite slow over the Christmas period...)